
Current Students

Current Students



For more information on mentoring, please see our Statement of Mutual Expectations for Mentoring document. 

Course Advising

It is time to think about advising for your next semester! All graduate LARC students are required to review their MLA Program of Study. This will help keep track of your requirements for graduation and document decisions you have made since the last time you were advised.

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Make an appointment to meet with Dr. David Myers, MLA Program Chair, if you wish to discuss any concerns or exceptions, answer unique advising questions, and discuss your progress, goals, and academic direction. If you have a thesis advisor, you are also encouraged to meet with them to discuss useful electives.

    1. Reminder: Please don't forget email etiquette when contacting your professors for advising. More information can be found on this blogpost: "What You Write Matters: Advice on Email Etiquette for Everyone."

For more information on thesis procedures and general forms please see the tabs below:

Thesis Procedures

If you're interested in seeing what previous students have worked on check out the MLA Student Thesis Projects folder below! 

Thesis Section Numbers

Once your chair has approved working with you, you can register for your chair's LARC799 section. Please find section numbers below:

Faculty Member Fall and Spring Section Summer Session I Summer Session II
Ellis, Christopher 3801 0138 0238
Kweon, Byoung-Suk 5801 0158 0258
Myers, David 4501 0134 0234
Ruggeri, Deni          7701    0177 0277
Sachs, Naomi 7801 0178 0278
Sullivan, Jack 4401 0144 0244


Chair and Committee Members

Students can select the Chair of their committee any time in the program but must select the Chair by the last day of class in Spring Semester of the 2nd Year of Study.

You should consider selecting your other committee members prior to the beginning of the Fall Semester before your third year.

Out of your three committee members, you must have two full members of the Graduate School Faculty. For a list of University of Maryland Graduate Faculty Members, please click here.

If you would like to nominate someone to be your third committee member who is not a member of the Graduate School please contact your Committee Chair as soon as possible.

Graduate School Deadlines and Forms

It is your responsibility to keep track of the deadlines posted on the Graduate School Website. After you have completely filled out the forms, email a copy to

You will be responsible for sending them to the Graduate School. Please CC Dr. David Myers, your thesis Chair, and We recommend that you email them AND walk a copy over the the Graduate School.


If you have any questions please let us know as soon as possible.

General Forms

If you fill out a form this may require the signature of the MLA Program Chair. Please include (cc in the email) Dr. David Myers, MLA Program Chair, and, when submitting these forms to the Graduate School.

Regulation Waiver, Leave of Absence, Time Extension, Transfer or Inclusion of Credit, and other forms are available here.

Useful Links: Graduate School's FAQs | Graduate School Catalog

Suggested MLA Thesis Benchmarks/Time Frame


  • Upon consultation with the Chair, the student is required to invite two additional thesis committee members if not already selected and confirmed.

  • The Committee has three required voting members. You can also have additional non-voting members upon consultation and approval by your Chair.

  • Two of the members must be Regular Members of the Graduate faculty.

  • Off-campus or individuals that are being considered for committee members that meet qualifications must be approved by vote of the PSLA faculty and approval of the Graduate School.

  • If you would like an off-campus committee member, you should work with your major advisor in early September and contact these individuals as soon as possible.

  • The Chair of the Committee is responsible for sponsoring an individual for a vote of the PSLA faculty and approval of the Graduate School.


  • By early October students are required to submit Thesis Description for review by your full committee. 

  • By the end of October the student is required to meet with their full committee

    • To reserve conference rooms in PSLA please contact Chris Behnke ( on instructions how to do so.


  • A second committee meeting will be scheduled by the student in November.

  • All committee members must be determined if not already. 

  • If satisfactory progress has not been made at the November meeting you will be notified in writing by your Chair.


  • A third committee meeting will be scheduled by the student in December.

  • This December meeting is a review of the first phase of your work.

  • If satisfactory progress has not been made at the December meeting, you will be notified in writing by your Chair.

  • If satisfactory progress has not been made at both the November and December meetings, you will be notified in writing by your Chair. Upon notification of inadequate progress, you are required to extend your thesis investigation for one semester.


  • Schedule Committee Meeting: Present concepts and program or what the Chair requires to committee. 

  • Students are responsible for verification of all Graduate School deadlines regarding graduation application and form deadlines


  • Schedule Committee Meeting.

  • Must electronically submit the Application for Graduation to the Registrar’s Office for graduation that semester. [Verify deadline with Graduate School.]


  • Schedule Committee Meeting: Submit final design concept, design development and details.

  • Must submit the Approved Program Form and Nomination of Thesis Committee Form to the Office of the Registrar, 1113 Mitchell Bldg. Committee form must be submitted at least 6 weeks before the scheduled defense; Master’s Non-Thesis Students: Last day to submit the Approved Program Form to the Office of the Registrar, 1113 Mitchell. [Verify deadline with Graduate School.]

  • You will be notified by the Chair after committee review whether you are making adequate progress towards completion of your thesis. If at that time you are notified that you are not making adequate progress, you will have to extend your thesis investigation through the summer and fall semesters. In the fall, you will register for one credit of LARC 799 and make your final oral presentation in December. You will submit your Thesis Book to your main advisor one week later and the final Thesis Book will be due one week prior to commencement.

  • If you do not participate in the final oral presentation at the end of the spring semester or if you are required to revise and represent your thesis, you must enroll in the fall semester (LARC 799, at least one credit) to have access to space and information technology. Meetings with thesis advisors during the summer and fall semesters are not guaranteed.

  • Committee review meetings will be scheduled once each month (February, March, and April) and the final thesis presentation will take place late April or early May. You will have approximately 2 weeks to complete your Thesis Book and submit it to your main advisor for review. The final Thesis Book is due one week before commencement.

  • Last week in March: Submit final document to committee two week prior to Final Presentation and Defense.


  • 1st Week in April: Final Presentation and Defense

    • This meeting will be scheduled by the student.

    • Participants include the members of the committee and any regular members of the graduate faculty.

  • Final public presentations and juried review.


  • Must electronically submit Thesis; Final day for students to send Report of Examining Committee Form to the Registrar, 1113 Mitchell; Final day to submit Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Publication Form to the Registrar; Master’s Non-Thesis Students: Final date to submit Certification of Master’s Degree Without Thesis Form to the Registrar, 1113 Mitchell Bldg. [Verify deadline with Graduate School.]

  • All Thesis Books must be substantially complete before the final review. Students eligible to graduate must submit three bound copies and a PDF of their final Thesis Book to the main thesis Chair prior to graduation. Check with you Chair about this requirement

  • Check Commencement/Graduation information here. You can also visit the AGNR website for further details.

*Subject to change. Always verify with your Chair.

MLA Courses

Graduate Program
Find more detailed information and typical 3 Year and 2 Year curricula on the following PDF files: (MLA PDF) Contact us to learn more! Also, please view our MLA admissions page to learn more about applying.

Typical 3 Year Curriculum (see MLA PDF for the 2 and 3 Year Curriculum)    

1st Semester - Fall Term



Description/ Public Access Web


LARC421 (Winter)





Site Analysis and Ecological Principles

Graphic Tools for Landscape Representation

Graduate Studio I

Digital Mapping and Drawing (Winter)

2nd Semester - Spring Term




LA History

Graduate Studio II

Construction Technology I: Site Engineering 


*Remedial requirements:

Students may take remedial courses prior to application to the program.

Remedial courses may also be taken in the Second year of Study.


3rd Semester - Fall Term








Woody Plant Materials I

Construction Technology II: Materials

Graduate Studio III

LARC Theory/ Criticism


4th Semester - Spring Term









Woody Plant Materials II

Construction Technology III: Water Soil-Centric

Graduate Studio IV

Landscape Arch. Research Methods

5th Semester - Fall Term







Professional Practice

Graduate Studio V

Specialization Elective

6th Semester - Spring Term







Master's Thesis Research or Creative Project

Specialization Elective

Specialization Elective


Typical 2 Year Curriculum (see MLA PDF for the 2 and 3 Year Curriculum)

1st Semester - Fall Term







Graduate Studio III

LARC Theory/ Criticism

Specialization Elective

2nd Semester - Spring Term







Graduate Studio IV

Landscape Arch. Research Methods

Specialization Elective

3rd Semester - Fall Term





Graduate Studio V

Specialization Elective

4th Semester - Spring Term

LARC799 Elective



Master's Thesis Research or Creative Project



MLA Student Thesis Projects

Ever wonder what kind of thesis projects our students worked on while here in our program? Check out the topics our students and alumni explored!

See Current Student Research See Alumni Research

Financial Aid/Scholarships, Internships, and Study Abroad Programs information can be found on our Resources page

Ready to apply?

See our Prospective Students page for further information.